Raise Excellence celebrates the most successful leaders within the company.
The idea came from a strong desire to honor our most successful and loyal leaders. “Those who stand out in building successful salons, amazing teams and are great role models,” says founder Inger Ellen Nicolaisen.
Celebrating amazing role models
Raise Excellence members have shown impressive leadership skills and run our most successful salons. “They are an incredible source of inspiration, a large part of our success and innovation – and they push us to become better”, says founder Inger Ellen Nicolaisen.
To become a member of Raise Excellence the bar is high. “We have so many incredible and impressive achievements, so many great role models, every year they raise the bar”, says founder Inger Ellen Nicolaisen. To become a member, all aspects of running a successful salon has been achieved, from great customer satisfaction, to building people and incredible teams who love their job along with impressive, extraordinary results.
Members of Raise Excellence go on annual trips abroad with founder Inger Ellen Nicolaisen and president Christinah Nicolaisen where these amazing performances are celebrated and new ideas are created.
“It makes me incredible humble and proud to see that every year we have so many talented and enthusiastic leaders, and we have a great time together exploring different parts of the world”, says Nicolaisen.
Join the adventure!

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